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Transform your Life

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Elevate your journey through life's challenges. Find solace in reducing stress, gaining clarity, and embracing your untapped potential, empowering you to navigate the stressors of life with resilience and a renewed sense of purpose.

Mindfulness enables you to meet yourself where you are at and then direct that focus to where you want to be. 

I truly believe that living mindfully is the key to unlocking your true potential and experiencing a fulfilling life. It is the greatest gift of self-care. My program is designed to inspire and uplift you, helping you discover the transformative power of mindfulness in your own life. 

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It's about slowing down, tuning in, and connecting with your inner wisdom. By cultivating mindfulness, you can gain a greater sense of clarity and calm, which can help you to make better decisions, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being.


Mindfulness coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on developing skills to improve personal growth and well-being. By cultivating self-awareness, managing stress, improving focus and concentration, and regulating emotions.

My methods are tailored to empower you to connect with your inner wisdom and strength, and discover your fullest potential.

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Mindfulness Coaching Session

Experience the transformative power of mindfulness in a single session.


  • Pre-session Questionnaire

  • 1:1 75 minute session  focusing on area of your life chosen by 

  •  Meditation experience

  • In addition you will receive a Mini Mindfulness Action Plan specially tailored for your chosen area (valued at $79).


Investment options

●     $115 AUD* for the single session - paid in full

All sessions are held via Zoom. 

*Special introductory price for 2023 - originally $149



Mindfulness Coaching Package

Discover a happier, more balanced you with our Mindfulness Coaching Package.



  • Pre-Session Questionnaire

  •  3 x 75 min weekly sessions over 3 weeks

  • Meditation Experience

  • In addition you will receive a Mindfulness Action Plan specially tailored for you and support your coaching journey (valued at $129).


Investment options

●     $329 AUD* for the package - paid in full

  • 2 x $170 AUD  - payment plan


All sessions are held via Zoom. 

*Special introductory price for 2023 - originally $599

Empowering you, empowers others. 5% of proceeds will be donated to a Microfinance organisation providing education & employment opportunities to women and children in developing countries. 

We all lose touch with ourselves at some point in life - this is normal.

My mindfulness journey began when I started practicing yoga regularly when I was at university. As a deep thinker and someone who is a empath to the world around me, I often struggled to maintain a sense of calm amidst the stress and distractions of daily life. That's when I discovered mindfulness.

To me, mindfulness is not some woo-woo concept; it's a scientific and soulful practice that helps me connect with my emotions, physical sensations, and thoughts on a deeper level, allowing me to live with more calm my mind and lead with intention. As I continued to practice, I realised that mindfulness is a form of active self-leadership, empowering me to meet myself with compassion and kindness rather than judgment. Overcoming different limiting beliefs that arise through life. 

My coaching is designed to help you awaken to the present moment to tap into your inner wisdom and strength and transform your life by embracing mindfulness.

Mindfulness also allowed me to understand and navigate my feelings and sensations, cultivating confidence and empowering me to take actions that aligned with my goals and aspirations. This practice helped me feel more connected to myself, others, and the world around me, and I'm passionate about sharing its power with others.


Whether you're dealing with work challenges, personal struggles, or simply feeling overwhelmed, these are things I can relate to. I've been there and I continue to practice different mindfulness strategies every day. My vision is to see my clients cultivate their own mindfulness practice and live happier, more fulfilling lives.

The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.



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Discover your true goals

Enhanced self-awareness, elevate yourself belief & mindset for your fresh start. 


Take an objective approach to cultivate presence and awareness to develop clarity around your aspirations, overcoming barriers in your beliefs.

Boost your confidence

Struggling with self-doubt and negative self-talk?  Mindfulness coaching can help you build your self-esteem and believe in yourself.


You'll learn to recognise your strengths and talents, and discover how to use them to achieve your goals.

Overcome fear of failure

 Break free from negative thought patterns, rumination, and fear of failure. Through mindfulness you develop the resilience and courage to take risks, try new things, and pursue your dreams.

Unlock your full potential and live the life you've always dreamed of.


Cultivate self-compassion

Negative self-talk and self-criticism can be tough to overcome. You will develop a kinder, more compassionate relationship with yourself. You'll learn to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you show to others.

Mindfulness Coaching Session

My mindfulness session aims to connect you with your inner self, cultivate mindfulness, and achieve balance. You'll learn techniques to manage stress and enhance focus, while personalised guidance and tools will help you integrate mindfulness into your daily routine, overcoming obstacles. This session is a chance to invest in yourself and take the first step towards your desired life.

$115 AUD


Mindfulness Coaching Package

Ready to create a fresh start in your life? This series can help you unlock your true potential through three weekly 75-minute sessions. Let go of limiting beliefs, quiet your inner critic, and tap into your intuition with mindfulness and self-leadership to take empowered action towards your goals. Invest in yourself and take the first step towards your desired life, without fear or doubt holding you back.

$329 AUD

What techniques are used in mindfulness coaching?

Mindfulness coaches use a range of techniques to help clients develop mindfulness skills, including meditation, breathwork, body awareness exercises, and guided visualisations.

What is the difference between fresh start life coaching and mindfulness coaching?

Fresh start life coaching typically aims to help individuals create positive changes in their lives, whether it involves personal growth, career transition, or lifestyle adjustments. The coach will help the client identify obstacles, set goals, and develop an action plan to achieve their desired outcome.

In contrast, mindfulness coaching emphasises the development of mindfulness skills to promote personal growth and well-being. This may involve practices such as meditation, breathwork, and body awareness exercises that help the client become more present and aware of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

While there may be some overlap between the two approaches, the main difference is in their primary focus and techniques used. Ultimately, the choice between fresh start life coaching and mindfulness coaching depends on the individual's goals, needs, and personal preferences.

Is mindfulness coaching suitable for everyone?

Mindfulness coaching can benefit anyone who wants to improve their well-being and cultivate mindfulness skills. However, it may not be appropriate for those with severe mental health issues or trauma, as they may require specialised therapy or medical attention.

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What is next

If you have any questions, have questions or enquiries about my coaching, programs or would like to know more about me, please get in touch.


I would be very happy to hear from you and assist in any way. 

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